I've been in an off and on relationship with my Aries for going on 3 years. We seperate for a while get back together sparks fly and then we have to part was because of living situations. I love him to death and he expresses his love for me but we can't be together like we want because of living and financial issues. We had a son together who passed away due to being born to early, my feelings for him are extremely strong because of this as well. I love my Aries I do but I know he's seeing and sleeping with other people. We communicate daily even though we are seperated currently in seperate cities but he does take time when he gets the funds or I get the funds to come be with me. He told me after the passing of our son that he wanted to marry me which came as a big shock. I want to marry him I do but with our circumstances I'm starting to think that will never happen. On another not I'm also to the point of giving up cause of him sleeping with all sorts of different women he meets off line. When I find out (Because I snoop around) I get discouraged. I sometimes send him messages or texts trying to break it off but he always finds a way to keep me in his clutches. I'm so in love with this man and hate being without him but I think I need to let it go..I need help how can I when my feelings are so strong for him and when I try to call it off he makes a way to keep me closer. Should I completely just stop interaction of any kind? I have tried that but it makes him extremely mad when I do. If I don't call, text or anything he says it makes his days go bad what should I do? PLEASE HELP...