Love - I like this boy and I see him I dont know what to say to him?
- Posted:
- 3+ months ago by pinkstarc...
- Topics:
- boy, love, lovebird, boys
Answers (8)
shud i tell him my feelings over text or in person?
In person
Seriously, just ask him if he feels the same way! Trach him down at school or wereever, and confront him were he's near no one else (like friends) so he isn't preasured on relying on them to answer you.
Just tell him how you feel, and say you were curious if he felt the sdame way at all. If he dosn't, ohwell. Atleast you know. Try to be straight forward about it though. And if he says he does like you, ask if he would like to hang out that following weekend. Meet somewhere neutral and fun for your first date, like the movies, bowling, or swimming, you can even bring a girlfriend with you if your nervous. Don't be afraid of making the first move, odds are he'll respong positvly. Good luck hun!!!!
shud i tell him over text?
Hello my name is joe benavidez I am 54 years old my wife is 18 we have 3 kids is that weird?
i like this guy too! and i know this sounds ridiculaus but i wrote him a note telling him how i fell..... but nothing rally happended but we do talk a looooooot more and i feel affection for him well a lot more and im not going to ask him out because you know im a girl but im going to see what happens!!!!!. ideas for you note mabie give him your number and tell him to text you or mabie be a secret admirer that usally works<3. and GOOD LUCK!
love, sexiandiknoit:)
p.s vote up on my comment please! thanks!!!
i asked him and he said he likes me but since hes moving he doesnt want to be taking any chances on a relationship :(
i did and he said he does like me but he doesnt want to make a relationship between us cause he thinks it will ruin our friendship
yea i like this boy and he likes me back but he want ask me out what should i do he holds my hand and huggs me and i lay my head on his chest but then he tells his friends hes single wut the heck man any way i say just go for it tell him how you feel but let him ask you out but what should i do i really like him and he talks to me all the time and hugs me and sings to me and we hang out and hold hands and i lay my head on his chest but he tells his friends hes single and i dont want to ruin our relationship we have right now cuz i love it i just wish he was more clear about his feelings what should i do should i flirt even moreor just let it keep going on the same i really like him
love havim98
ps. please tell me what im suppose to do
Then rape him!