... first son was born 4 years ago and starting from when i was pregnant with him my bf has been accusing me of cheating. He says cause his mom saw some guy outside our apartment building and because he would find water bottles he never saw before behind the couch and cause this kid that used to like me in hs got in touch with him and said we had sex (which we didnt), if i drive to work he checks the mileage and he'll sometimes say the passanger seat was moved (and i know i didnt touch it) but hes trying to say i had someone in the car. He thinks i have guys sneek in in the middle of the night cause he said he went to use the bathroom and the seat was down and he doesnt put the seat down..just these bizarre things...a lot of things hes claiming that leads me to be guilty. Point is i never did cheat on him and here we are now my oldest is 4 and my youngest is 2 and hes still accusing me. He threatens me thats its 2012 and that the father can have custody of the kids they dont have to go with the mother. Hes brought up a lie detector test but i think hes hesitate cause he said hes pretty sure ill fail and doesnt want to waste the money cause its alot. He says his mom who i dont get along with mostly cause of her trying to tell him ive cheated! and may i mind you during the time she was trying to tell him im cheating i was 20 yrs old pregnant and in and out of the hospital cause only 2 months after i fouind out i was pregant my brother had a stroke! so this whole time when i am so depressed and lot going on being so young and pregnant and my brother almost dying these people are saying that im a cheater. basically all i really wanted was a nice happy family and i feel lke i dont know what to do cause.. he says hell take the kids..and he says if i were to take the kids id have to stay close to him so he wouldnt have to travel to see his kids casue id stay with a relative that lives 30 mins from him. Im so depressed my sons are seeing everything...im afraid if i make the step and leave hes gonna make my life miserable and im honestly scared..scared of what he might try to do scared ill lose my childeren.....he takes mymoney and says hes the one who pays for eveything and has been doin everything ..(all i do is sit home and watch the kids) hes super controlling, and so mentally and emotionaly abusing me =*(...what do i do?......my family wont allow him around cause they cant stand it anymore.....soem of his family doesnt like me. its such a mess,. and i keep asking him if he really thinks im such a cheater whys he still with me and he says he doesnt know maybe jsut for the kids. ive asked him if he cheated cause people tell me alot of times people act liek this cause there guilty but he denies it. Someone please help if you have been in this situation or something similar give me some advice.