I'm looking for a children's book. Here's what I remember about it:

-It was probably published after 1975, but had to have been published before 1992
-It was about a little girl, I believe her name was Lena. She was probably about 4-6
-There was a magic couch/sofa that steals things (keys, her baby brother's soother, etc.)
-The couch "mumbled" as it ate/stole things
-The couch tried to eat her sock that was attached to her foot, and in the process she got stuck
-She traded the couch/sofa something else in order to get her foot back
-She then started trading things the her family didn't need anymore to get back the things they wanted that the couch had taken
-And the had a wonderful relationship by the end!
-The illustrations were not smooth like Dr. Seuss (ish) but rather a bit more rough like Roald Dald's (ish)

PLEASE help. My mom and I have been going crazy trying to remember!