Looking for some opinions on a current situation with a friend. They had two outstanding warrants, one for DUI and one for Probation violation (nothing violent). They are 3 and 4 years old. The friend had a rough few years with drugs, but has now been clean for 3 years. He was picked up on a traffic stop and has been in jail since waiting to see a judge. I have put together a packet of recommendations/references for the lawyer from a cop, his employer, and his sponsor in NA and they all speak highly to his character. I'm having a hard time getting an idea of how long they will hold him, and it is driving all of us out here insane. I've been told by a few that it shouldn't be more than a few days (instead of the 90 days the probation violation is supposed to be set for) because of overcrowding. Any opinions on what a judge will do in this scenario?