Ladies, how many times can you climax in one sex session?

Answers (2)

the most i have ever had is 6, mainly through intercourse, my bf is amazing

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most definitly

thats only happened once though was in a crazy mood, the average for me now is 2-3

Now that's more the norm, but 6 is great if you can get it.

my boyfriend and I have been together 8 months. He has worked me up from one per session, to 4 or 5 per session. He definitely has the key to my lock :)

By now he shouldn't need a key, nor should she be locked, 6 is good congrats.

well my gf told me that around 12 times, but we were high on LSD.. it was awesome!

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12 times ?

I believe it is possible. We have been practicing edging. The more times he "edges" me, not only are orgasms more explosive and blissful, but its easier to start the process over again and get multiples. We have a bit of an edging experiment going on ;)

I think it was more because the lsd than because of me.. but that's the best sex I ever had.. if you do drugs, I recommend it..

How is the experiment going ?

Lucy diamonds n tha SKY