A week ago I injured my knee playing netball from an awkward landing.
The pain was horrible and once at the hospital I received X-rays which came back positive- no bone damage. 4 hours after the injury I has been given enough pain relief to move my leg straight at which point it popped back in (we couldn't visually see it was dislocated which is why it took some time).

I am getting MRI tonight but am very anxious that this could be an ACL tear. I'm currently wearing a brace and I am unable to move my leg (can put a small amount of weight on it but bending hurts).

Obviously an MRI will tell me this but wanted to know others experiences. Some people are able to walk a few days after an AcL tear or knee cap dislocation- is it possible that this pain could simply be fue to the swelling and time it took to put it back in place?