umm dont really no were to start off wiv this one. i've been though a lot of stuff n was just wondering if any one cud give any advise or tips to help stop this. I don't want help or “need help” for doctors. It all kind of started for me from the age of 4 or 5 I started to get a lot of mood swings that went from extreme highs to lows. after that my sleep started to go weird in I couldn't do more than about 5 or 6 hours sleep. Then I completely lost interest in everything n stopped talking to friends at school. The summer that I turned 5 I started to get suicidal thoughts which didn't go way till a bit after. All this stopped for a bit then all of it kicked off again when I was 8 to 10 but this time I'd have these crying episode that wouldn't stop no matter what for about 3 hours or more and I lost tons of weight. then the suicidal thoughts came back. After all this stopped I started to feel better but I couldn't feel a thing n didn't care. After a bit it all started again but way worse than before.this was when I was 13 to 15 .this time I actually tried to commite suicide cause it was a night mare.all I thought about was death was the only way out. It consumed ever living second of the day for me. Because of this I fucked up at school. Ma mate went off on me n made it worse n so did ma parents .i had none at the point n still do. I've just turned 16 all of this has stopped but now I cant feel anything n just don't give one.i don't panic, feel excitement, joy or true happiness. But also when I find things hard now I give up even if it something really important and serious so I put my head down n go to sleep without even thinking about it but still i don't feel panic or like im about to get screamed by teachers. And also I really cant handle being around more than 3 or 4 people at a time or I feel irritated,stressed or start augments. all i want to know it how to stop it form happening again n if i do actually have some thing wrong with me. oh ya i forgot to put in when i was 8 to 10 i got extreme stomach pains n sore throat. but when i was 13 to 15 i became serious forget forget for the simplest of things and skipped school a lot to do nothing. thanks for all the help if ya answer