My Teddy bear hamster died an hour ago, and I've been searching the web as to why my hamster died. As far as I can tell, he was a healthy hamster. He slept all morning which is normal for him to do. The only thing that got me kind of worried was, it was unusual that he was sleeping on top of the bedding. He usually wouldn't; he'd often surround himself with stuffing. The last few days, I checked on him, and he didn't have a cold. His tail wasn't wet, and his cage didn't have any diarrhea. In his final moment, I saw him change position assuming he woke up. I went to call his name, and there was no response, which struck me a little odd. I touched his cheek, and it was cold. I knew at that moment he was dying. I read that hamsters can fall into hibernation but the moment we took him out of the cage. He started to have yellow (what looked like pee) came out of his nose and mouth. He was still breathing but then begun to shake. Next thing, I knew he had passed on. To make sure I waited for 20 minutes; his body had gone stiff and super blue. He may have died but I just really wanna know what may have happened. Can someone please explain what might have happened?