I was always a brilliant student till i entered University, i felt un-challenged and didn't understood any of the course and completed my B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering degree with 2.7 GPA. Got a job of fairly good income of which i got fired just after an year, i was a very hard working employee but company was downsizing due to economic problems and bad thing happened to me, i was like a jobless engineer for an year after graduation, didn't got any job after than termination anywhere as i was not given any clearance letter or recommendation letter by the employer, one year passed as jobless person. So, than after 2 years i got admission in masters degree in Thermal Energy, degree requirements were just completion of 8 subjects, 6 core and 2 electives plus Thesis Research with Publication in Reputed Journal. I got F grade in one subject in second semester, University told me to complete requirements of degree with another subject, i picked 9th subject to fulfill the requirement, Now in the last semester when i am doing research work and applying in journals my publications, University management is saying me that i cant get degree until i clear that F grade subject for which i will be required to attend one more semester. I am feeling lost, i have good GPA of 3.5 in masters but, i am feeling like a failed person in life, i think of myself as jobless loser who attended university for post graduation and made mess of that too. I was applying for Ph.D fellowships in Scandinavian countries and now i am feeling like i am not gonna get admission anywhere as i will get my degree one year late. Please advice me what can i do, i have not told about my F grade to my family even as they feel like i am burden. I am mentally disturbed and depressed?
Answers (1)
First of all, congrats on what you did do successfully, a 3.5 GPA is pretty stinkin' good, especially considering you have a F in one class. You are going to have to make up that class, but don't give up on college! Everyone makes mistakes or gets bad grades every now and then, and otherwise you're doing fine. Getting fired to, while not ideal is still normal, and will happen to almost everyone at least once in their life. And no, a fellowship will not deny you access based of years waited or something like that. So don't give up, and get on with life! It sounds like you have a bright future ahead of you.