So, I'm homeschooled, and in 9th grade. I do most of my work independently. This year, my mom said I need to take spanish, so we spent $200 on a Rosetta Stone online subscription. At first I liked it, then, it got harder. It got so hard I wasn't really learning, and it was a lot of guess work, and each session was taking me 45 minutes. Slowly I started skipping it. Telling my mom I was doing it. Then we took a vacation, and I forgot everything about it. Now, there's a way I can skip a lesson entirely, and it lights up the bubble that's the lesson, so it sort of looks like I did it. But if you highlight it, it says "In Progress". Now just to clarify, I've skipped a least 100 lessons, and far past the point of no return. Now my mom, is not the best teacher. She pretty much never checks my grades. But she checked my math grades a little while ago. And the other day, she asked, "What kind of grades are you getting on spanish?" And I replied, "It doesn't really work that way, it's more of a pass kind of thing, you don't get graded, and I've been passing." And I was lying about both of those things. Then later that day, she said, "You have been doing your Spanish right? You haven't been lying to me have you?" And I said "Yup, I've been doing it." So now I'm in deep Doo Doo. If she wants to check, my grades I don't know what I'll do. If I come clean, I'm dead, that's not really an option. The only few excuse I have, is "I forgot my password and stuff, so I can't login to check my grades." And she wont fall for that. Please help me I'm so scared! My life will be ruined if she finds out! I know, this is my fault, I'm an idiot, but I have a lot of reasons why I stopped doing it, and now it's too late to turn back. And also, I'm worried that she'll make me do it next year! And I'll need to start over! Please help Any advice or excuses or anything!