April 28th I had surgery on my right lower arm due to a bad break. I had a plate and screws put in. Two months later the plate in my arm broke somehow. On June 20 I had a second surgery to have my old plate removed and a bigger plate put in. After cultures were taken a few days later I was told I had staph infection in my arm. I seen an infectious disease doctor and she put in a pic line and had me take Cefazolin for 6 weeks. It was taken 3 times daily. After only three weeks of the medicine I had flu like symptoms and went into the hospital. I spent a few days and my count were low. She changed my med to Vamcomycin. This made me itch severely so in the hospital they gave me Benadryl with it. I got home yesterday and took my iv meds last night. It had caused a hug rash that is all over my body and really bad on my legs and arms. I believe I am allergic. I called and she is trying to find another medicine. I am curious what the chances are of my infection returning if I decide to stop the iv meds. I have been begging blood drawn the whole time since my surgery every week and it always comes back just fine. I'm just tired of feeling bad and do not want to continue.