there is a civil rights ORG. in San Diego CA. claiming they are going to engage a State wide ballot measure to reform sex offender laws-get rid of Megans law,can they legally do this? check them out your self
Answers (1)
personally i'm so tired of all these conspiracies. the guy on the video i watched on youtube said that only people who pee in public show their asses ect. would be under megans law. and i agree with it. i don't want someone showing me their butt or peeing infront of me. last i checked i could buy any everyday item at a game store or grocery store and pay in cash with out my SSN or state ID. unless i'm gambling buying a weapon or alcohol ect. they would ask me for my state ID to confirm my age. i'm tired of being scared and listening to a bunch of paranoid people.
you start to believe in one or two conspiracies and then you'll start believing everything you hear. i know because i was like that for a while. now i'm trying to just ignore it. it's exhausting.