So there's this guy in my orchestra class, he's really sweet and ever since a few days ago I've had a pretty big thing for him. he's a grade ahead of me so it's the only class we have together, but we talk a lot before and after class about common interests. We're both pretty into anime, and he is working on composing an orchestra version of the Attack on Titan theme song. I love it and he plays it for me all the time.. The other day, I started having feelings for him when he hung out with me after class to show me what he had composed. We stayed until the next class started coming in, and I walked and talked with him to his history class. He jokes around with me a lot and laughs at my jokes, and he's always looking back at me ( I sit behind him.) I know he is a Pretty friendly guy, so I'm wondering if he's just being nice?
Today my guy friend asked him if he had a girlfriend, and he said no, and that "it sucks." I know I should probably just forget about it, but I can't stop thinking about how sweet he is. What do you think?