My best friend and I have been friends for years, and we have never had a conflict. However, recently we came across one. She has always copied my outfits or style and it has never truly bothered me because we're bffs. When she copied my prom dress, it hurt. Of course I let her know, and it was squashed because there was nothing else to do. Then one of my good friends began talking badly behind my back, and she took their side over mine. Once that happened I distanced myself because I didn't know if I could trust her. I became good friends with other people during this time and she felt replaced. However, she never told me this, I had to initiate the conversation. This made me feel as though I cared more than she did, but that's an assumption. There have been promises to hang out for two months now and nothing has happened. Granted I could ask her to hang again, but part of me feels as though whats the point, and the other part misses my best friend. However, I don't know if I miss her or just the long time friendship we have. Summer is almost over and we're going to college, so is this friendship worth saving? (thank you for reading all this)