My friend Zainab just got left in a 3rd world country so I think it's like Nigeria. She just turned 13 and her mother left her there against her will, alone with an "angry" father that she hasn't been with in years. Now she is trying to commit suicide. Is that "abuse" or is she just too young to make her own decisions? I really don't know what to do because I'm only 13 myself. If I did tell her to go the police would they care because I don't know the laws in Nigeria.
Responses (5)
It depends on the reason she was left there. Concerning the father, if he harms her than that is abuse and she should get help, telling whoever she it’s able to tell (police, teacher, guidance counselor, other parent) the details of her situations so if it is abuse it can be recognized as abuse by authorities. If she wants to commit suicide than there’s a good possibility there is abuse.
Your friend is underage. She had no right to choose where she lives and just because she doesnt want to live there doesn't automatically mean it's abuse. Legally she has to live where her parents tell her to live.
Nigeran law is greatly different than U.S. law. I doubt going to the police will help but tell her to try. A lot may depend on what country she is a legal resident of and which parent has legal custody.