I have a male and female cat. Cloud is my female, she is spayed and up to date on her shots. But before she was she had, Leonardo, in a litter. As mother and son they got along pretty well. She was definitely the mom though. She had the mom look down! And life went on without too many hitches, they squabbled here and there but I think that was mostly because after a certain point of nurturing kittens the mother weans and detaches from motherhood and the now able to care for themselves cats are to go in different directions but leo didn't ,of course. Things would always calm down quickly but this behavior is different and I can't make hind or tail of it.
Cloud will hiss and box at Leonardo as he passes or tries to approach her(they used to cuddle and groom each other). Its the strangest thing. Now leo isn't fixed, its on my to-do list but I haven't done it yet because my budget as school student is pretty tight. And the thought that maybe he tried to mate with her passed my mind but she's completely fixed uterus ovaries and everything removed. She wouldn't have given off any hormones.

Also we are taking care of two new dogs, these dogs do not like them and as such they are kept separate. We are caring for them for a friend for a few months as a favor and will return to their owner before long.

As background Cloud is spayed and up to date on shots. She's had an abcess before but received medical treatment and is healthy. She has had a number of litters before being spayed. She is about 6 yrs old.

Leonardo is Clouds kitten from her first litter. He is not neutered or ever been to the vet though it is very high on my list to do as soon as I can. Please I understand it is important do not berate me, I am doing the best I can. He is about 5 yrs old.

I try to keep my cats as happy and healthy as possible. And I do my best to care for them the way they should be cared for. They're like my children and this new behavior worries me. Its been going on for awhile now. If you have any idea what could be causing it, I appreciate it. Thanx!