I haven't eaten almost all day and I don't intend to but I would like to know if there is any point In working out for weight loss and burning calories when you haven't eaten.
Answers (4)
u have to eat if u dont u will gain weight and ur body will go in starvation mode and u need to eat that is really bad if u don't. ITS better to eat 6 small mells and it has to be healthy so u better be eating healthy and being a good eater so careful what you eat:))))))
exercise is important. it's not just burning off the calories from the meal you just ate or the fat from the meal. It's not about competition. It's about being healthy.
In short, all it takes is just 30 minutes per day of exercise. wether it's running jogging or walking. even if that is on a treadmill. If you keep at it, you'll eventually enjoy it.
Yes, you will still lose weight. Normally your body burns the energy it gets from food. If you give it too much food, it converts the energy to fat. If you exercise more than the food can sustain, you'll start burning fat.
After 2-3 days of fasting, you go into something called "ketosis" which is basically the body calling on its reserves of fat. It's akin to starvation. Some people do ketosis dieting where they eat anything they want 2-3 days a week and then don't eat at all for 4-5 of the days. One day eating and 2.5 days fasting is a common cycle.
Whatever you do, though, don't based a diet on how little you think you can eat. Ketosis dieting is about the most extreme you should do while still staying healthy.