(Sorry about my awful grammar, it's never been my strong point)
I'm thirteen years old. This is really difficult to explain, but I'm constantly afraid that these monsters going to hurt me. When I was little I had these nightmares about monsters and demons, but they eventually stopped. However, for about three or so years I've become really, really paranoid that these monsters I made up are going to hurt or kill me. I HAVE to do certain things in certain orders or they'll find me. It's really weird and I understand shit like this doesn't even exist. But when I tell myself that there's nothing after me, I still find myself doing these little 'rituals' (I'm not sure what to call them) to keep myself safe. It's usually just little things like putting objects away in a certain places, but sometimes it's really strange stuff. For example; if I'm watching a video on the internet, I have to pause it at exactly half way through for some reason. If the video isn't an even number, it makes me feel really agitated and stressed. Sometimes it's not because I'm afraid that the 'monsters' will hurt me, I just have to do stuff like this and I don't know why. I don't have any mental health issues I know of, could this be a sign of something?