My daughter who is 4 years old just got confirm to have situs inversus, which is a condition that the organs in the chest and abdomen are positioned in a mirror image from where they normal are. My daughter seems to be healthy and fine other than having all her organs reversed. We also talked to a cardiologist and confirmed she doesn't have any heart condition.
My daughter has peanuts allergy (we found out about it since she was 2 when we fed her peanuts). There is no family history of either situs inversus or the peanut allergy, so I am wondering if they are related somehow. I couldn't find any info online about this. Is there anyone out there who has both conditions?
The peanuts allergy my daughter has doesn't seem to be life threatening. The first time she ate peanuts, she had a tummy ache right after and eventually threw up. One time she had a little bit of the salad dressing that contains peanuts, and her tongue itches and her lips swell up, but she was fine otherwise.
I would really like to know more about this but the info I found online are very limited since situs inversus is a rare condition to start with, so I don't think there are that many data point. BTW, we are south east Asian who live in the US if anyone is curios about the link between ethnicity and this condition. Wish there is a paper somewhere that research about healthy people who has situs inversus.