Is there a greater chance of playing soccer and getting injured or jumping on the trampoline?

Answers (3)

jumping on the trampoline... DEFINITLY!!!!!

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Depends. I've jumped on trampolines many times and have never gotten injured. Of course I don't pretend I'm an acrobat and start doing flips. I also don't jump from my roof. Neither have I been on with more than 1 other person at a time.

Now soccer on the other hand. You're going to fall and scrape your hands and knees. You're going to go home with your shins bruised. You never know when you might actually fall on your butt. Bumping into someone when starting out is actually pretty normal.

In the end, if you put a sane person two do either of those activities mentioned, soccer will often get you minor injuries. As far as major injuries go, trust me, trampolines are bad, but sprained/broken ankles are far more common in soccer.

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Soccer comes with more risk due to physical contact and quick movements, but trampolining injuries can still happen if you land improperly. Make sure you always follow safety guidelines and be careful.

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