Is there a distinct difference between the terms belief and faith, if so, what is it?

Answers (2)

(John 3:16) “For God loved the world so much that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone exercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life."
This means that gaining the gift of everlasting life is conditional. If we are to “have everlasting life,” we need to believe in Jesus and obey him. belief, or faith, is essential. However, it is important to remember that in the Bible, faith is much more than simply believing. According to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words, the word used by John in the original language signifies “reliance upon, not mere credence.” In order to have God’s favor, one needs more than a mental recognition that Jesus is the Savior. The believer must also sincerely endeavor to apply what Jesus taught. If there is no action, any profession of faith is hollow. “Faith without works is dead,” says the Bible. (James 2:26) Put another way, what is required of the believer is that he exercise faith in Jesus—that is, he must live in accord with his belief and faith.

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Yes, there is a difference between belief and faith. When you believe, you believe in a God, you believe in a scripture, you may even believe in a philosophy of life or a person or ethic but faith is different. Faith can be define as FAITH Full Assurance In The Heart - this is the acronym of FAITH. Therefore you start with belief, somebody may believe in God but they may not have faith, but one who has faith in God has evolved beyond just belief. Believing is just accepting the existence of God, or of anything for that matter. But what is faith? It is full assurance in that belief. Therefore belief may be the first step but faith is the next. It goes on to the next step called trust, and then enthusiasm, and ultimately love. All these are the steps that take us forward.

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