Is there a current policy in America that will have negative effect on the funding of art education?

Responses (2)

In politics nobody knows anything and in art nobody cares. You are talking about mixing the two. But you are also talking about funding, and that is important to everybody.

You are talking about a field where nobody knows and nobody cares but everybody wants you to give them some money. What is wrong with this picture?

You can find a lot of interesting material on this at

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A degree of art entitles you to become someone you need to be.
Artists live there lives huddled up and behaving as hermits for an entire lifetime.
Could have been a sailor or a lawyer or doctor or a diplomat. Yes you can say I have art. I can stand and look like a tree and bend with the breeze.
You will find after 4 years no one is beating your door down to get you to join them.
You are there to learn to be creative. Not be negative. oh that is a sun set.

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