Is the mystery of Bermuda Triangle already solved ?

Answers (2)

salem has given information that will explain some of the facts.

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Of course it is. For starters, it's not a triangle; it's more of a kite shape, and some of the stories happened as much as two thousand miles outside it. Everybody, just everybody, muddles two stories. The Mary Celeste was an American merchant brigantine that was discovered on December 4, 1872, off the Azores Islands, sailing with no one on board and with her lifeboat missing. You can check to see where the Azores Islands are. They are almost two thousand miles east of Bermuda. The Marie Celeste was a detail in a story by Arthur Conan Doyle entitled "J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement".

The tapes of radio transmissions from Flight 19 are on file and they bear no resemblance to the story.

Every one of the supposedly lost ships has been located. There are no actual mysteries. One of them was safely in port when the story of its disappearance started going around. The crew could not convice the people in the town that they were alive.

Bottom line: people love a good story, and they do not appreciate a debunker.

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