there is a pimple like something on my penis it grew when I had shave it now, its been around 1 year and today i hold it tight so it burst and a white gel came out of,Is something wrong with my penis?
Responses (2)
On it itself? Or just the Pubic area? Either or if it was a hair it was an infected hair follicle. Which kinda sucks but don't worry, just use some Alch, or Hydrogen peroxide. It helps with the darn thing like when you get one on your face from shaving. It can be painful too sometimes. Also known as an ingrown hair. And no you don't have to stop shaving, you don't need to stop at all don't listen to people when they tell you to do that. It happens with or without shaving. Best way to combat the problem... soak yourself first either with a hot rag like they did for faces back in the old days, or in a bath. It opens up the pores so the hairs can be shaved easier and/or pulled out a lot easier(and some times less painfully) and less shaving rash as well little bumps on the skin or none at all. Also use the saving cream or gel lotion w/e it helps out a lot, try not to use soap of any sort even dove or ivory. If anything use conditioner, not soap or shampoo(unless it is that 4 in one shampoo, conditioner, bodywash, and shave yes they do have it I thin it is by Dial or Suave)