My mom died a few years back and since then, my dad has remarried about 3 months ago. Throughout those 3 months I have put on a noticeable amount of weight. I am 15 and I weighed 112 lbs before my stepmom fame into my life. Ever since then,my stepmom always makes my brownies and cookies and buys me chocolate. Because of that I weigh 170 lbs. I can't wear my crop tops of any of my old short shorts or bikinis because of the weight I gained. I have even gotten lazier. I used to take walks and go outside but now I stare at the TV or my phone all day and eat because my stepmom does everything for me. I think she is intentionally trying to fatten me because she doesn't do any of that for my dad. She also always tells me to eat all my food but my dad never does. She also tries me to avoid getting to physical. I am pretty sure she is trying to make me fat.