So the story is I think I landed up with a crazy woman. We have been together 2 yrs and a month and its been hell from day 2.
It seems when we argue my personal belonings get runed or tampered with, as say my car that i take good care of. When I met her my car was mint not a scratch on it and after our first argument i noticed my car was getting scratched and little dints here and there. Where i was living at the time everyone liked me and I got along with everyone so it set my mind on her. I confronted her but it only made it worse. I recently bought some mouth wash i used it once and it taste normal then the next day i went to use it again and i had to look back down to make sure i was grabbing mouth wash and not toilet cleaner. I threw it out. Well what set me off today is i bought a electric vape to try and quit smoking and i fill it to the level so i can see and when i put it down it was at the half way level. Well today she got mad at me because i wanted to go to a friends place to visit a male friend ive known years before her. Well anyway i went to go have a hit from my vape and i looked at it thinking it cant be empty it was at the half way mark i then opened it to see and the liquid came pouring out. Wtf i confronted her and she started calling me evey name in the book. I asked her to try a couple puffs and she refused to. Weird when she wouldn't turn it down before. I then cleaned it the best i could re filled it and i took a couple puffs, now my mouth feels weird and my chest hurts. To top it all off when we argue she gets to the point where she tells me she is going to kill me when i sleep. Is she crazy or am I?