My gf did b*** job on the12 th day of her period she is 21 years old.. She touched my sperms and after some 5 min when she went to bathroom she put her hand inside her vagina almost 2 inches to clean it coz it was wet.. Doesnt she need her hymen layer to be ripped and bleed????!!! She is a virgin.. Is it possible to get pregnant with out having proper sex.. but now her period is delaying.. Her cycle will continue for every 26 days Now it has been 32 days...her period is regular usually.. Is there any chance of her being pregnant?? She dnt wash her hands..Plz answer this.. If your answer is yes then when is it best suited to get aborted?
Responses (5)
Hey, do not abort it. God gives life, and we didn’t have the right to take the life he had given. An unborn child is actually a living person while in the womb.
“Being afraid of people can get you into trouble, but if you trust the LORD, you will be safe.”—Proverbs 29:25
Moreover, God can provide “power beyond what is normal” to help a woman and her family cope with any unplanned pregnancy. (2 Corinthians 4:7)
King Solomon, too, reasoned that a prematurely expelled fetus is better off than the person who lives a long time but who never comes to enjoy life.—Ec 6:3.
there is a 50/50 chance that your girlfriend could be pregnant. But don't abort the child, you made the choice of having unprotected sex now you need to be responsible if she is. You don't have to keep the child if she is pregnant but don't abort it, abortion is killing an unborn life, and life does start at conception.
If she doesn't turn out to be pregnant then let this be a wake up call. Abstinence is the only 100% way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Best of luck to you...