We are both 17 and I have known him for around 2 years, we both go to the same school.
Now we have been hanging out quite a lot, seeing each other outside of school around around 2 to 3 times a week and at school in 2/3 of my lessons. This is more then anyone else he spends time with by quite a bit and our friends take the mick saying that we are boyfriends.
Around a month or so ago we had quite a few arguments and we didn't really speak for a while but now we speak again like mates, although I'm still blocked on Facebook.

The reasons why I think he's gay is that:
1. We was at a mates house and he crossed his legs with his thigh on top of mine and was proper close. He has never done this with anyone else
2. We were with a few mates in a forest at night, they walked off and us two then put our hand on each other's shoulders and ad walked out of the forest like this.
3. He has spent me snapchats when we have been speaking on it, where his face is a kissy one with his lips in that shape.
4. We were at a party and I was drunk and passed out, around 4 people including him were drawing on my face, then he raised my t shirt and started drawing on my six pack and apprently it was very weird according to a mate.
5. Been to a cinema twice and Pizza Hut and his legs would be touching mine and both have our elbows touching.
6. Puts his hand on my shoulder more then any other one.
7. Was just me and him at his house and he was searching something up on twitter and the most recent searches were Harry's styles, the vamps and spencer matthews (a "fit" guy from a TV show) and he moved his phone quite fast

I am bi and do fancy him quite a lot, so might be thinking of these points slightly wrong but just wondered if he was gay and if so is he interested in me!