Hi My Name Is Kate I Have 3 Kids, Ali(14 years old), Jane(9 years old) and Harry(4 years old) My Husbands Name is Ned.
I'm worried about my family because we've all gained a lot over the past year or 2 and I have young kids. Ned has always been obese but I've been small
Here are all our heights and weight.
Kate: 5'2 And 127 lb
Ned: 5'8 And 732 lb
Ali: 5'4 And 465 lb
Jane: 4'5 And 262 lb
Harry: 3'4 And 97 lb

My children were always chubby but not to this point.
Jane was small like me but when she was 6 she got chubby and every month she gained more and more and now she is almost 300!
Ali is my big girl and has been scince 2 years old, she never exercised when I asked her too. She at huge meals and now she's almost 500!
Harry has been told by doctors he's dangerously obese. I love him nice and chunky.
Ned is obese and likes being obese. He wants to be 1000 lbs!
I don't know how to make my kids loose weight. I've gotten healthier foods and had them excercised daily but it didn't work.
At school there teachers are so nice and they are obese too so it is fine but at school people tease them but they don't mind. People stare at my kids but I don't mind. I'm going to talk about Ali and Jane for a second about them growing boobs and going through puberty..... Ali developed boobs at age 4 and she was about 130 lbs. it was Super early to get boobs at 4 but Ali was big and she got her period at age 6 or 7.
Jane got boobs at age 7 and she was about 160 pounds. She was big too. She just got her period a few months ago.
Harry has a big belly and fits into a kids Large or XLarge. He kinda has boobs a bit.
Ali kinda fits into a womans XXXXLarge. Her boobs are big and her belly is huge.
Jane fits into a woman's XLarge sometimes XXLarge. Her boobs are pretty big and she has a belly you can see through no matter what shirt she wears.
My kids have fat rolls.
My kids don't care if we see them naked.
Ali have 7-10
Jane has 5-8
Harry has 3-6

Is my family obese?
Please help we need help