Hello! I'm Joshua, 16 from Philippines. I have this strange case of excessive sweating (or hyperhidrosis as I've made a research about it before). Whenever I touch or dip my hands, arm or feet or any part of my body in a water, my general body starts to sweat, excessively! Even though I already wipe the water at first. I keep researching this kind of condition on Google but no queries matched my condition, I really need someone who are able to explain, do you ever encountered this kind of excessive sweating? Any kind of water (even sometimes a drop) makes my body to become wet and rapidly and continuously sweat, I swear. The only remedy that I'm practicing to overcome my sweat is to cool down my body fast, well sometimes I put a lot of powder directly on my skin (it doesn't even works, it makes my body clayish), and of course to avoid water contact at all (except of course when I'm going to take a bathe). Is it a problem in my nervous system? Whenever I tend to go outside, I'm sweating a lot as well, and MORE if I make water contact anywhere outside. (Drinking water doesn't make me sweat, only when I'm touch any kind of water or liquid rather) My life is really hell disturbing. Can anybody help me pleease?