
I have been on a relatively strict diet for several months now with great results. I want to know if this diet is ok for me long term.

My general daily routine consists of eating 5 weetabix and 2-3 pieces of fruit throughout the day (I try and eat atleast every 3 hours to keep my metabolism going).

For dinner I generally tend to have chicken and rice with some peas, sweetcorn and other vegetables, sometimes peppers. I also like to add chilly flakes and mixed herbs for flavour.

All in all on an agerage day I consume around 1,000 - 1,500 calories depending. I also do a one hour workout every day burning around 500 calories. This has resulted in a total weight loss of over 4 stone in 5-6 months. I'm still losing weight quickly and even though I am often hungry during the day, at night my meal is filling.

While the above describes an average day, I do also go out for dinner with friends/my girlfriend, eat the occasional take away or bar of chocoate but not that often.

Is this diet relatively healthy? I consider it to be due to vegetables/fruit, weetabix provides iron and chicken and rice provides protein and carbs. I'm not someone wanting to fad diet, I want a healthy daily balance, and want to know how this compares.

Thanks in advance for your help!