Why does my boyfriend say I am being over dramatic when I just try to talk to him (not shout) about how bad he made me feel by ignoring and not replying to my Facebook messages and not answering his calls for two days? Then he shows up today on Skype and expects me not to complain and act like everything's ok about it like its acceptable behaviour, and when I do tell him calmly how I feel he tells me hes going to go do something else and not sit here wasting his time on Skype talking about this.It's not the first time he does this to me, and he seems to avoid talking about problems whenever I confront him about it. He said the other day he'd see how things are going when I got back but that he was a bit apprehensive about the relationship. We've been on long distance for 3 months since I was visiting my family in Panama like I mentioned before, but before I left the plan was that we would live together again in Liverpool like we did the year before, but a month later he said he changed his mind and that he thought it was better we'd concentrate on our careers and that he didn't want to live with me because we had too many problems to sort out and that it would be better if we did sort them out first and then when he graduated we'd move in together properly (which would be summer of 2012). He also said he's being realistic about this relationship and not get his hopes up too much if it doesn't work.
Were both 21 by the way, we've been in a relationship for two and a half years and Im in Panama right now (went since June 5th to visit my family) but I get back to Munich tomorrow and see him for a week and a half, then I move to Manchester to do a graphic design course and he's moving back to Liverpool at the end of Sept to do his last year of uni so we are going to live an hour away and we agreed to see each other on the weekends. Is he acting like a **** so I break up with him? It really frustrates me when we cant solve our problems or talk about them, and he always tells me I should toughen up, stop being over dramatic, nagging and being so emotional, but its really hard to continue as if nothings wrong.
He's also been doing this thing lately when were talking on skype all the time were he is almost always checking his Facebook or looking at videos on Youtube, replying to other emails, or on Facebook chat when were talking on video phone call on Skype and I explained to him how much this bothers me because I feel like hes not really listening to me or cares about what i have to say and how I would like him to give me his full attention when we do talk on Skype properly since we don't often, but he ALWAYS does it. He stops doing it for a bit but then I have to ask him to give me his full attention almost every time we do talk. It really hurts me and makes me feel disrespected. Am I in the right? Since I give him my full attention when I talk to him most of the time and quit every other program or internet window I have on the computer so he feels valued and that I'm actually listening to him, but he doesn't do that for me. Then he says he knows I love him and that everything will be alright when I get to Munich, but not to expect too much cuz he doesn't have a fabulous surprise waiting for me, (even though I never asked for one).I also told him like two days ago that I feel there's no respect in our relationship any longer and he said we would work on it, but then he continues to act in these other ways which makes me feel like he actually doesn't care at all. Am I being unreasonable by getting upset? Are these issues workable or should I just dump him?
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.