Is abortion a personal choice?
Answers (3)
"Wrong" is an opinion. We have lawmakers who try to make you think their opinion is the only right one, but the world has a long history of societies collapsing because the people simply won't put up with such arbitrary commandments, even when they demand them. A lot of people say the bible commands this or that, but the bible specifically says it does not. So you have a flood of people trying to make you think you are bound to agree with their opinions, and some of them will kill you for disagreeing, but it is still a matter of opinion. The only reason we don't have a clear law on the subject is that about half the people hold one opinion, and about half hold a different opinion, and the remainder don't care.
Psalms 127:3 says: Look! sons are an inheritance from Jehovah; The fruit of the womb is a reward.
Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her nursing child or have no compassion for the son of her womb? Even if these women forget, I would never forget you.
This is the Bible's view of the children we produce. If we love and respect Bible standards, we will stay loyal to them.
Yes, abortion is wrong. What is right is for the mother to give their baby up for adoption if she is not able to raise a child. For the rest of her life, she will know that she did the right thing and can be proud of that. It's true that giving her baby away would not be easy. However, she can be comforted knowing that she did a wonderful thing for a couple desperately wanting a child and that she allowed her child to continue living.
On the other hand, if the mother chooses abortion, she we'll have to continue her life knowing that she ended her child's life. Where there was once a heart beating, now it is stopped. Where there were once fingers and toes wiggling, now they have been destroyed. The people who make money off of executing abortions would like you to believe that the unborn baby is nothing more than a clump of cells that can't feel the pain of being ripped apart and sucked out of the mother. Do the research. See the pictures.
Is it wrong to take a 2 year old child and rip off its limbs until it bleeds to death? Of course it is. The Unborn Child is every bit as human as a two-year-old child, a 10 year old person, and a 100 year old person. And anyone who tells you that human life has no value and should be ground up and thrown down a garbage disposal is wrong!
Currently, the law allows us a "personal choice". But does that make it right? We were once legally allowed to own and abuse slaves. But did that make it right? Not that long ago, women we're not legally allowed to vote. Because it was legal, did that make it right? Nope.
It is important for the mother to understand that the baby is already there inside her, growing. Killing the baby inside her does not stop the baby from being human, but only makes him or her a human that was killed. The right thing would be to choose life for her child.