I graduated college last year and I was unemployed for a couple months before I landed on my current job. I've been here for 2 months now as a temp. During my unemployment days, I emailed a bunch of companies for positions and no one replied until now. The offer I just got from another company is also a temp job, but it's a better company and will be better for my career goals. I don't know how much they will pay yet, but just because it's a better company I want to move. But I don't want to ruin my reputation here because I think they want to keep me and possibly hire me as full time. The thing is that my current company wasn't my ideal place I wanted to work for at all, but I took it because it was my only choice. I'm in such a dilemma and I don't know what to do. And if I have to reject the offer, how should I say it in a way that they won't forget me later?
I would love to here stories of those who went through similar situations.
Is it unprofessional to change jobs 2 months in?
Responses (2)
You are building a future yfor your own self
be aware to harm no one on the way up.
The need to hit your head on the pillow of your bed and think a smile another greatidea has come thru.
I am psychic. rhyme is for few of us.
Today is the first of every day from now on.
I did this for 66 years. Some who visited my life were and are useless and yet I deny them to be alone with no one else to inspire them.
I have had huge buses stop and simply block all traffic because they found me on some of the busiest streets in Edmonton. We got a smile and a good touch of a handshake to open the psychic reality to me again.
Can others dream of you years beyond. I know they do. I dream of them too, just to see they are okay. Telepaths do this.
Tens of thousands died in Japan and I was not allowed to sleep until after the episode and at the second of the tidal forces, a scream went to the skies.
Here as well as there.
Nothing matters.
everything in life matters. Not even a band on the run can avoid my reality.
Friend status means you can with an open mind look at my answers.
I left a site with half a million viewed. 2503 is too many to answer any night.
you have stallions of black greatness reaching for the bit of the future. There is another of greater whiteness with better potential.
You have a worried state and to unlock your conscious mind which you call the subconscious and is my ethereal conscious thinking mind.
NOW, and for now grant your self time before bed at least two hours of quiet. You have taxed your own logical mind o the max.
This is Doug and doug and backwards even guod we find dreams and move within them.
Ask question but be incredibly articulate if you desire to have me reply.