Myself and a co-worker work for a security company, and for as long as we have worked here the Captain rank has been unfilled. The senior most officer would be acting supervisor. But recently the company lost the senior most guy whose had about 3 months experience over the next senior guy. We were told either myself or the other guy were going to be acting supervisor. Then to our surprise they transfer a guy over from a different site with 0 experience at our facility and procedures is taking the captain rank and day shift, he has about a quarter if not at best half the amount of time in the company as we do. We hear he was in the navy, but myself have 8 years Marine corps with police officer experience and the other guy 6 years army, and we got completely overlooked and never even offered the chance to apply for the captain rank, is there anything that can be done about this? we feel as if we were being treated unfairly and unequally cause we were not even given the chance at the position.