I need assistance with something my boyfriend did last night. I don't think he will be in trouble, I think it's the cashiers fault. Long story short my boyfriend had a few beers yesterday and went down to the store to get some more. The lady sold him the booze already and gave him his change. As my boyfriend was leaving she asked if he had anything to drink. He said he had one beer. She then told him oh I can't sell to you and persisted to chase my boyfriend and try to take the bag out of his hand. He leaves the store and she threatens to call the cops, which she did. She took down my license plate and told me my boyfriend was going to get arrested. I'm pretty sure he didn't break a law. He paid for the booze and left. The transaction was already complete when she tried to take the booze back. He wasn't drinking in public nor was he driving so I don't understand why she proceeded to call the authorities. This happened in NH. I tried to look up laws about it but I'm having a hard time finding things due to my limited access. Thank for all the help you all may provide or opinions.