every months or so i have this felling ... things get really loud i fell this screaming sensation and i get scared really fast. I cant really hear the scream but i can feel it ... even dead scilence has a sound. They uasuly only last from around 10 -20 minuts. And then are gone ... i do not hear voices and in the end i'm fine ... while its going on i feel really really scared . could this be schizophrenia or a panic attack or somthing totaly different?
Answers (2)
Schizophrenia is a name for all the mental conditions that are not fitting anywhere else. What you have is probably not schizophrenia, but it sounds serious enough to go to a doctor. A name for these weird episodes you got can be psychosis. These can be caused by a mental disease as Schizophrenia, but can also be caused by a physical condition! I advice you to go to a doctor and let them exclude any physical conditions. Take it seriously, so it will not turn into something worse.