Im 18 and failed my senior year of highschool because of missing credits/requirements. I live in Texas and they require me to take 2 years of a foriegn language yo graduate. This is impossible for me as im a senior and need to graduate in one year. For that reason i plan on moving to Ohio to finish school. My problem is that im currently employed and i am working. School starts on the 25th of august. I was wondering if it was possible for me to enroll into highschool late, lets say at like November 1rst-5th . That way i can focus on work and have enough money for school clothes and what not, because i really need the money.

So my question is what are the requirements for enrollment and would i be violating any to which the public school say i cant enroll into high school? Is it okay for me to enroll/start school a month later? Like lets say im just dropping out for a month.

Again im asking this advice and need mature, honest feedback because my people are giving me a really hard time on this descision ive made and telling me it cant be done