Ok, basically from time to time I get the feeling that I can't breathe so then I have to manually do it myself for a good 5 minutes. Mainly when sitting in school to lying in my bed , randomly from out of the blue I start to struggle to breathe and then thoughts cross my mind about wat if I faint or die( a bit of an exaggeration but it does bother me) and then I start to paint and get extremely nervous! I try to distract myself from the problem but it never works. I told my mom about it and she said its probably nothing but from searching online I've read that it could be anxiety and panic attacks but I don't understand why I'm getting these random attacks and how I can avoid them if that's wat I'm experiencing. I'm 16 in a month and female by the way and I'm clueless to what's going on. Am I ill or I'm just over thinking. Previously I went to Benidorm in Spain with my friend and her family and for the first time ever I felt I couldn't breathe and I started to panic and cried and also had to leave the table for air; did this trigger it or not from being homesick . Please help me solve this because I can't go on living like this and having this problem