Is it ethically justifiable to mandate the HPV vaccination at this time? Why or Why not?

Answers (3)

Yes because it's better for one or two to die of possible side effects than for one or two hundred thousand to die of the disease.

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The controversy mandatory hpv vaccination ethics the ethics are relatively minor it is reasonable and justified for public health to intercede for the childs benefit a school mandate time and agian it has been shown that school might be teenage sexuality and mandatory vaccination the argument is very politicized in part due to state goverments to make the vaccine mandatory for school admission for all girls the arguments because of sexually tranmitted infection and the question of parental rights in regards to mandatory vacccination further controversy has emerged over whether boys should recieve the vaccine to protect them from the other diseases caused by hpv

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The Vaccine isn't declared safe and hasn't undergone testing to prove this, is it okay to say save the population at the risk of a few until it is your child?
Are you okay with your child having the side effects of lower fertility and further cancer causing effects of the drug?

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