I know it sounds silly, but even at my current pay grade, which isn't much at 18 years old ($12 an hour, full time), I should have AT LEAST 1.5 million in my 401k when I'm 65. If I haven't done anything stupid to my body by then, I'm sure my system will accept any augments. I plan on living until at least 200, working for at least 150 years of my life. I would really like to live forever. I plan on replacing the heart, lungs, arms, legs, any easily failing organs, and any weight bearing bones, including my spine, and my vocal chords and eyes.

Lots of surgery. Is it a good idea?

My backup plan was to buy an RV, travel the country, and only replace my right eye and my left arm to the elbow.

I've always wanted this, and now that I've started a 401k at 15% of every paycheck, I can dream big.