I've been home schooled ever since my mom took me out after pre school and I'm going to be heading to the eighth grade after I graduate and my mom said I had the choice to go to public high school. I'm a female, 5'2 (probably grew some more haven't been keeping tags..) I have great character and personality and people tend to say I'm really pretty and lots of adults say I'll be popular if I go. I could honestly not care about popularity. It doesn't bother me. I have tons of friends cause I live in a town house complex and then there's other people outside of that so I've got the social thing down (plus I've ALWAYS been social.) but now it's just about going to public high school.
My question is is it worth it? Will it really be what I need?
I heard colleges look for home schoolers cause their independent, mature, and smarter and I'm all three of those things. Also they said that home schoolers are usually higher up than public high schoolers cause the math and studies are more advanced or whatever.
I just don't wanna mess up my education. A lot of my friends wished they were home schooled but I'm over here wishing I was in their place! But if it's not worth it then I might not go. I'd miss out on the big events like games dances and proms though :( ugh this sucks making this decision. I don't wanna go just for the cool stuff..
So if you have any advice please tell me, so this dumb dilemma can go away. Thanks.