There's a guy I like at work. We flirt he asks me questions on college and we generally have conversation. About a month back we went on a work night out, and both told eachother how we were attracted to eachother. Not much has changed since then like we still talk etc. After that night out my feelings towards him have grown and I have tried to speack to him on snapchat but I find our conversations seem to dull on snap chat, and I feel like i'm the one constantly thinking of things to say. Generally he seems a little sarcastic and dull on snapchat, but in real life he's makes an effort when speaking. This guy is a little older than me (i'm 17 he's 23). I just dont know what to do cause I dont wanna keep trying and look desperate plus I dont know if he's even looking for anyone as he's recently got out of a relationship. Also I dont know how to get to know him more. I would appreciate so advice on whether I should keep trying or just move on, or how to get to know him more. Thank you.