I ground my child a lot like most of his life he is grounded I noticed change in his behavior he doesn't seem to be in a good mood realy ever and gets angry at me a lot now and everyday he is just in his room because I don't allow him to go anywhere or do anything. He is 16 by the way.
Responses (2)
These are hard time for everyone, but for children it seems even harder, for many reasons. Home is the only place there seems to be any peace or the streets with bad association.
The Bible says, at Proverb 22:6 "Train up a boy according to the way for him; even when he grows old he will not turn aside from it".
Sometimes it is necessary to find out why, a person feels the way they feel. Then you can solve the problem together. This takes time and patience on both you parts, to listen and be heard.
It is never to later to turn things around. Young ones need to know they can trust you as, someone that love them. We on the other hand need to make sure we reassure them of our love.
The Bible says, "Love is patient and kind". 1 Corinthians 13:4. Know one needs this more then our children.
Don't give up on him. Find out why he feels the way he does, then find some common ground. Spend more time with him rather then putting him in isolation, where he will form more negative thoughts.
I am a mother, grandmother and foster parent, following this information has helped me a great deal. I hope it will benefit you.
Please also consider, www.jw.org