Is God really real because research show that there was a big explosion called the Big Bang theory but then I was thinking how is God real because the bible said it started with making light and darkness but how does the humans get this information when they weren't made yet entirely. Think you can solve that!
Answers (4)
The Big Bang Theory doesn't necessary go against the belief in God. We don't know exactly how God first made everything. He could have caused a great explosion. The point is there definitely is a God. Read the Bible, God's Word, for yourself first then make your conclusion. I go to for questions about the Bible and God.
We human beings have been given intelligence and we need to ask questions to realize if God is real. God is the Creator of this universe. Whoever created it, we can't give that power a name or a form, but there is a Creator, a power that made this universe. Our common sense agrees to it, and that is the power we call God. If even there was a Big Bang, who caused the Big Bang? Who caused that explosion? Somebody did. That power is whom we call God. Unfortunately, we get carried away by different scriptures and different beliefs and then we lose sight of the truth. The answer lies in enlightenment, where we must light the light within so that we can ourselves experience the Divine truth.
Science is in very poor condition these days. A big part of science is conjecture, which means making up "What if" scenarios. Often those scenarios get discussed a lot for a long time, and people begin to assume they are true just because they keep hearing them. The big bang is one such scenario. The big bang exists only in the imagination. It was needed to explain implications of the expanding universe conjecture, which was needed to explain the receding galaxy conjecture, which was based on the observed red shift in light from galaxies and the assumption that the red shift is caused by the Doppler effect. If that assumption is wrong then the entire collection of conjectures is without support. There are other possible causes of red shift. Hospitals use a magnet to produce red shift. It is called MRI. But astronomers deny the effects of magnetic fields and electric charge in space.
Science is supposed to be based on observations, tests, and proofs. There is a strong tendency to accept conjectures, math models, and consensus of opinions instead. You need to be careful about accepting things that have not actually been observed.
About God:
Spiritual matters are not proven by logic. Science is proven by logic. No connection. Science is anything that can be measured. Spirit is anything that can not be measured. The only way we can know anything about the spirit realm is if some spirit chooses to reveal it to us. All the revelations have been collected into a book. Anybody can read the book and decide for themselves whether to believe or disbelieve. Christians are commanded to preach the gospel, not to prove it.