I am interested in buying a bike from Craigslist and the seller said he will use this E-Z Transactions service which I never heard of. Is this safe? They look safe to me but I was wondering if someone else used them and how safe are they? How fast is the shipping, how do they handle their orders, etc. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
Answers (20)
Yes they are welcomed indeed, there are a lot of weird things going on on craigslist, i've heard stories like someone pretending to sell something and they meet with potential buyers, then rob them, of course the buyer will have the money on him and they steal your money or potentially kill you.
OMG, I have been scammed out of $4900. I answered to an add on craigslist and they said they use this service and sent me a link, it was www.eztransactions.officelive.com and i am not a computer savvy, I didn't know that`s a free website so I went there and all that. They asked me for the shipping address by email and said not to register but there was no register button on the website. I sent them the payment by paypal and they scammed me, how is this possible? By paypal? Paypal said the account was created with false id's and they can't trace it. Now paypal isn't safe either. I searched on google and saw a lot of similar warnings saying that the real e-z transactions website is www.ez-transactions.Com and went there, the site was very similar to the one I've been scammed on and when i contacted their customer support, they said they didn't have the seller or the item etc. God damn it. I can`t believe this, and i thought PayPal is safe.
I've had a friend that was scammed through this service, but when we investigated with the local authorities and some IT experts they said the service was not the one that scammed him. They used sophisticated software and cloned some of their web pages, attached some scripts on their website and used different email addresses that ends like their real email addresses. that software is called Bulk Mail and you can actually find it free to download online but they will shut it down. They advised us not to do anything online and let them handle this because if the scammers know what they are up to, they can loose their trace and can't recover any money. by the way, they used paypal too and scammed my friend out pf $1600 through a fake paypal account.
The actual service is excellent and even if you you may find it expensive, it`s not really, consider the fact that they include all the fees in the price of sale and you have better chance of selling something or feel better buying from them knowing that the shipping is free.
Yeah, i bought an m3 engine and it was delivered without any problems so I guess they are OK. I don't know why some people are still convinced that they have been scammed by the real e-z transactions service and they don't admit the fact that they are not being careful when buying online.