I am a 49 yo British/Hungarian male in Milton Keynes UK.
I live in this country for nearly 10 years now and never had a single friend during this time..not even for a day....though all the time looking for it.
I red a topic from English ex patriots who live now 3 to 6 months in Hungary and they complained that it is difficult to find friends there as Hungarians are reserved people.
What the hell wants that???
They don't speak any Hungarian ( ..and most Hungarian don't speak English). I speak and spoke English all this time.
I live here for nearly 10 years...and they live there 3- 6 months.
Is anyone who is looking for a friend here?
I would be happy to hear from you.
I found this website only today 09/08 2014 so ..might will have some luck.
I like nature, animals different kind of music and I am really crazy for travels.
I am also interested in politics. Not interested in football though.