she has tight curls that are really hard to manage. she is ten years old and is bi-racial. When her hair is wet its really long and really curly but when dry its almost impossible to manage. i just want to loosen her curl. she does not have course hair. just lots of it and tight curls for puerto rican and her dad is african american. her hair is very pretty! i knw i shouldnt put a relaxer in her hair because i dont want to straighten it. just loosen the curl just a bit............HELP
Responses (4)
Well you can try some de frizzer. I know that for un frizzing hair but i put that in my hair to make it less curly. Another thing you can use is Detangler. I would recomend panteen thats what i use. Or panteen curly to stright. This shampoo doesnt make hair stright, its ment to loosen curls 4 people who strighten hair, but you could use it. another thing you can do is go to bed after showering with shampoo and and conditioner, use the detangler coulm it out, then blow dry it to get the gressy nedd out. thats what i do it makes life easier. I hope i helped. Im only 11 to and i know how it feels. Mybe you daughter cant relate to this but sometimes i see all my friends hair all stright and i wish it was mine. I wish i could just shower and go. Hope i help
I am biracial as well I have really really really curly hair I am mixed Spanish and black to get rid of frizz I used a can of coconut milk and 5
spoons of lime juice and let that sit in my hair for 2 hours or over night than I normally wash my hair condition it than comb with a wide tooth comb and let it air dry, I hope this helps