I'm married but cannot seem to get this other man out of my head. We met causually a year ago but I have not done anything wrong yet. I love my hubby and would never think of leaving, but I just want to have some fun. Is there anything wrong with that?
Responses (6)
Men are men. If you are with another man your husband will never really trust you again. When a man genuinely settles down he becomes vulnerable. Any man who would not be jealous and hurt (despite how macho he is) has not formed a loving attachment. A better question is to ask yourself why you want to cheat. What is missing from the relationship with your husband and what can you do to encourage him to show provide it. A committed man needs 1) a safe environment 2) a cheerleader who isn't faking it 3) to be romanced within the rules of your sexual tastes and preferences.
Simply giving him a conflict free environment and a space where he can have some alone time, is often enough to stimulate the passion in a relationship. Also men a visual, make yourself attractive to him, keep the goo and ooze of life a mystery and share an interest with him. You may find that you can get at home what the other man is providing.
Finally, shut the other guy down. Unless you have already decided to leave your husband, then keeping that option open is only going to cause you to communicate, tacitly, that you are emotionally unavailable and untrusting/untrustworthy. Only if you are very lucky will this not lead to pain, anger and frusteration for you. leave first then find someone new. The guy that is interested in you while you are married is not someone YOU can trust.
No strings attached relationships usually wind up with undetachable heavy chains. And they leave permanent, ugly, lifelong scars. The road one's life takes is only correct if it comes from within, where the heart and head come together. Think long-term health and happiness.